Take Flight
I’ve been quiet for some months now. Low-key hiding.
In January, I proclaimed that 2019 will be the year for me to take flight. I imagined this would be the year when I would fly freely to new heights without worrying how and where I would land. I claimed to be bold in my decisions and to not allow anything keep me restricted to the ground.
I just wanted to soar.
However, God quickly whispered new words in my ears and heart a few short months later. Let Go. Surrender. Now upon writing this, I see that God’s words for me were not too far off from the ones I chose for myself. In order to take flight, there is the process to leap, and to do so, you have to let go of whatever keeps you down, surrender and trust that this leap you are taking will carry you through.
Intellectually, I said I was ready to fly. But in reality, I was holding on to so much that my feet could not even lift off the ground. I was holding on to a false sense of security, doubts, fears and unmet expectations. And in all actuality, I was not spiritually, mentally and physically ready to take flight. Why? I had too much weighing me down.
“You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weights you down.” ~Toni Morrison
I didn’t know it at the time, but God was beginning a process that uprooted all of the people, thoughts, and circumstances that were not serving His purpose for me. I once heard that the process of letting go will bring forth blossoming. When I allow myself to let go, I am able to make space for the purposes, people, and provisions that are intended for me. Fast forward to today, and I feel like I want to fly again. This time, I’m ready with full faith, trust and audacious courage to take flight and I will truly not worry about where I will land.