SoulKhayla Deans1 Comment


SoulKhayla Deans1 Comment

There’s a lot that I don’t know. But here is what I do know. God is such a personal God. He is with me. He knows my heart, my desires. He knows things about me that I haven’t even learned yet. And I am so thankful. 

I can point back to all of these different moments, small moments, that happened over this year. And I think back to different thoughts, feelings, perspectives, & experiences. The other day, I flipped through pages of my journals from 2019 and can see that I’ve grown and learned so much since January. 

I had lessons in love — understanding what it means to know how to love, to be in love, to walk in love. I had so many questions and searched for answers from many sources only to realize that the true answer was always to be found in God. Why? Because He is love. 

I experienced heart ache. I learned the required steps, time, and trust it takes to heal. I’ve learned what it means to come back to myself after realizing that I was lost for just a little bit. I’ve meditated and prayed over Isaiah 43:18-19, to forget the former things and to not dwell in the past because God is doing a new thing…even when I cannot perceive it. I am learning how to focus intently on Him as I move forward to who He is calling me to be. 

I learned to put Isaiah 43:19 into action and opened myself to new communities, experiences, and activities in order to move beyond my comfort zone. I joined a gym for the first time in my life and am loving it. I go multiple times a week, challenging my body, mind, and spirit to do things that I honestly thought I was not strong enough to do. It is a humbling experience. And I’m learning the power of baby steps—celebrating my small wins each workout. 

I’ve been sharpened as a friend, sister, and daughter. I’ve been called deeper as a child of God. I am learning what obedience means. To do what God says, how His spirit is guiding me and listening—even when my mind, my flesh, my ego doesn’t want to. It’s a constant journey of surrender. I am learning to embrace His discipline —- in fact, welcoming it and considering it an honor.

I am learning the power of letting go and committing everything to God. It is a process but I find myself more at peace when I let Him take it all. I am lighter. I do not feel so weighed down, heavy, anxious. I am learning to say yes to every good thing that God provides and to accept His gifts and blessings. 

I am getting anchored—rooted, grounded, and established in His love. And I’m learning that all of these lessons I’ve learned this year and the ones to come are not just for me alone. They are for others. 

Whoever believes in me, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. ~John 7:38

I want to flow rivers of living water. I want the Holy Spirit to flow and move freely within me. And I want to pour out. As God pours into me, may I continue to learn how to pour into others the way He has designed for me to do. That is my hope and prayer. Amen. 

What are the lessons that you’ve experienced and learned in 2019? How will you carry out these lessons in the new year?